
Vista Grande’s Vision Statement – adopted April 13, 2020

“We covenant together to imagine and live into a world where God’s Kindom vision of human and planetary flourishing comes to pass through the work of love, justice, peace, equality, and extravagant hospitality. We envision nothing less than a world restored to wholeness, wellness, joy, and gratitude for all of God’s Creation.”

Vision has as much to do with looking back as it does imagining the future…..
In the past Newsletter (Sept – Nov) there were four individuals lifted up who have served the church community over many years, their stories taken from one of the written histories of Vista Grande. Yes, four; not three as was written a couple times… math not being my strong suit. All jokes aside, the error was mine, and inadvertently left off was a request that any errors, in-completions, or corrections be brought to my attention so that this ‘recalling’ might be as exact as is possible.

Another request is this: There is a reason each of you call Vista Grande UCC your home church. Could you share that reason? How did those of you who were founding members decide to literally ‘Be the Church’; what was it like to take that step out in faith and start a church? And then, build the sanctuary?

For those who came later: What brought you to Vista Grande, whenever that might have been? Why do you stay? What compels you to make the effort to
be engaged? What is it that you find feeding your soul? What is your connectedness?