It is the hope of Vista Grande United Church of Christ to allow every member to be part of decision making AND it is the desire of the congregation to work by consensus. We recognize, however, that sometimes votes must be taken, and that in order for the church to grow in faithful service to our Lord, some folks must be charged with the task of managing the affairs of the church.
We call that group the Executive Council.
Managing the affairs of the church is only a minor role of the Executive Council. More importantly, they are charged with the responsibilities of exploring and offering ways to act out the Church’s vision and goals, and with keeping the membership informed of its actions and opportunities for ministry.
The Executive Council members, made up of the 4 members and 5 officers, are installed into his/her respective offices at our Annual Meeting in January. The 2023 Executive Council consists of:
- Moderator: David Lee
- Asst Moderator: David Nath
- Treasurer: Open
- Financial Secretary: Denise Lee
- Clerk: Dana Zimmerman
- Member at large: Linda Allen
- Member at large: Carol Burbank
Our Constitution and By Laws, which identifies us and provides our governing document, is currently in Revision 4.6 as last modified and voted upon by the congregation effective Jan 26, 2014:
Constitution and By Laws
Vision Statement
We covenant together to imagine and live into a world where God’s Kin-dom vision of human and planetary flourishing comes to pass through the work of love, justice, peace, equality, and extravagant hospitality. We envision nothing less than a world restored to wholeness, wellness, joy, and gratitude for all of God’s Creation.
Vision Group: Purpose and Responsibilities
The vision group’s responsibilities include assisting the Pastor and Executive Council in the search for an appropriate worship space and church home based on the working vision statement offered above. Each member has committed him/herself to be available to those who wish to offer suggestions, share concerns or ideas or to answer questions members might have. It is the intention of this group to be transparent in this process and to offer information to the congregation as it becomes available.
Ministry Team Job Descriptions
The Missions/Social Justice Ministry Team
This Ministry Team will be responsible for evaluating and recommending missions of Vista Grande in the spirit of assuring we do not participate in “Toxic Charity”. Regarding Social Justice, the Ministry Team will set priorities for our involvement in social justice activity and outreach with recommendations as to how we might participate or represent ourselves in various projects and activities in the city and beyond. They will organize volunteers when necessary for specific activities regarding Mission/Social Justice work .This may include, but is not limited to, calling volunteers, reporting to the congregation events and preparing for mission moments, etc.
The Worship Ministry Team
This Ministry Team will name and contact church members to serve as Lay Leaders in Worship, weekly ushers, greeters, and communion servers. They will assure the sanctuary is prepared for worship or for special days. (This may include appropriate banners, alter accouterments, candles) They will name and contact individuals to help with preparation of food/snacks for the fellowship following worship. They will also be responsible for assuring the lights are off, doors to the fellowship hall are closed and church is locked up after activities.
The Faith Formation Ministry Team
This Ministry Team will assume the responsibilities of organizing Church school volunteers and curriculum for our children’s programming in partnership with the pastor. Further responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, preparing for programs in terms of craft items, educational materials (i.e. copies, pictures, etc.) and snack when appropriate. This ministry team will also be involved in identifying possible collaborative curriculum activities as we become more oriented toward ecumenical and interfaith involvement.
This Ministry Team will also assist the pastor in assessing appropriate and desired faith formation events for adults. This may include, but is not limited to, Bible Studies, Book Studies, Contemplative Spirituality Practices and potential Speakers.
Facilities Ministry Team
This Ministry Team will be responsible for working closely with the pastor to prepare for the sale of this property and the possible acquisition of a new property. This involves preparing appropriate paperwork and documenting a historical account of this property in order to disclose information necessary for our realtors. Additional responsibilities will include meetings with both potential buyers and the realtors as necessary during this process.
Day to day responsibilities will include assuring that proper maintenance continues with regard to scheduling cleaning volunteers, outside cleanup volunteers and necessary landscaping needs, in addition to addressing any facility emergencies.