First Time Visit

Visiting for the first time: What to Expect: First of all, WELCOME!

Our service is Hybrid so you may worship in person at Vista Grande 5460 N. Union Blvd (COVID protocol in place) or you may join us in Zoom from the comfort of your home at 10 a.m.

Visiting a new church can be a bit overwhelming. Here is some information to help.

Vista Grande United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming (ONA) Congregation. (Adopted Oct 25, 2009)
We, the congregation of Vista Grande United Church of Christ in Colorado Springs, CO declare ourselves to be Open and Affirming. We strive to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of sexual orientation, gender and its expression, marital status, family make-up, age, mental and physical health and ability, racial and cultural identity or background, and educational and socioeconomic status. We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings, and joys of our congregation’s life in Christ. “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

When You Arrive
We have a parking lot on the south side of our building and also have use of the lower parking lot during Sunday morning for overflow parking. The front entrance faces west with the beauty of Pikes Peak in the background

Worship Time
10 a.m. followed by Fellowship Hour. Our adult faith formation class “Percolate”, a theological book study, meets at 8:30 a.m. and everyone is welcome.

The sanctuary, upstairs’ restrooms, and the Fellowship Hall are wheelchair accessible.

Hearing Impaired
Headphones are available.

Children and Youth
All of our services are multigenerational as we believe that our children are a vital and sacred part of our community. As such, there is an activity table in the sanctuary and the activities reflect the worship theme. There is also a staffed nursery for children 4 and under if you choose.

We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We believe that Jesus sets the Table and therefore, all are welcome whether or they are members of any church. Gluten-free bread and grape juice are served.

We offer a variety of musical styles which reflect our progressive theology. Most Sundays our music includes hymns from The New Century United Church of Christ Hymnal and The Faith We Sing though we also include contemporary selections and music which reflects our congregational diversity. Our choir sings most Sundays, supplemented by soloists or small ensembles. The choir practices one evening through the week and warms up Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. You are invited to share the gift of music.

Inclusive Language
We strive to use many images and names for God. For example The Lord’s Prayer begins: “Our Father/Mother … and all our music uses inclusive and expansive language.

Compassion in Action Offering
We support several local missions through our budget, by special offering and most importantly through relationship. We also support the United Church of Christ’s “5 for 5” offerings. These include: Our Churches Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and The Christmas Fund.

Special Services
We have seasonal worship services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday. Additional special services include our annual church picnic, and this year, a Blessing of the Animals on Oct. 13, 2019.