Vista Grande’s Vision Statement – adopted April 13, 2020
“We covenant together to imagine and live into a world where God’s Kindom vision of human and planetary flourishing comes to pass through the work of love, justice, peace, equality, and extravagant hospitality. We envision nothing less than a world restored to wholeness, wellness, joy, and gratitude for all of God’s Creation.”
Greetings, Vista Grande UCC family –
First and foremost, I want to thank each of you for your vote of confidence in extending me a call to be your Associate Pastor. This faith community is so important to me and has been an integral part of my formation as a minister. Serving among you is truly a joy and I have such immense gratitude that you have asked me to continue my work with you. I am so excited to walk together and discover what the Spirit has in store!
As you may know, I am hosting twice-weekly conversations from now through the end of May on a variety of topics pertaining to the life of the church. We are covering a range of material, including core values, church history, worship, programming, our building, and our dreams for the future. I encourage you to join us and be part of the conversations. They have been fun, insightful, informative, and full of wonder, appreciation, and joy. It does not matter if you have missed a few – pop in and see what it’s all about! Your voice is necessary because we would not be us without you!
One of my favorite conversations was when we discussed the history and legacy of Vista Grande. It is my contention that we cannot faithfully navigate the future if we do not honor our history. While preparing for the session, Donna, our archivist extraordinaire, sent me several firsthand accounts and reflections from people who were part of VGUCC’s founding as well as a handful of mission and vision statements the congregation has discerned at significant checkpoints in the history of the church. Looking through these documents and participating in these conversations gave me a true appreciation for how our identity has persisted over nearly five decades. Though the language we have used to describe ourselves has evolved, we have always remained committed to spiritual and intellectual growth, making the world a better place, showing up authentically, giving of ourselves, and getting things done.
You and I are the beneficiaries of the heart and tenacity of courageous, visionary people who unshakably believed in the necessity of their mission, even when others told them to give up. We as a church are incredibly lucky that several of those who worked to found and foster this community are still among us. They hold a unique perspective on the mission and vision of Vista Grande and there is so much to learn from them which can instruct and inform the way we approach the future. A goal of mine in my new position as Associate Pastor is to interview and record the testimonies of those in our congregation who helped found the church so their wisdom can be preserved for the those who will come after us. It will be an invaluable resource for future generations of VG covenantal partners. As United Methodist Bishop Karen Oliveto said “We are the ancestors of the future church.” May we dream audaciously on their behalf.
In abiding joy,
Pastor Mallory